Sunday, August 28, 2011

Top 10 Sports Movies

I love sports! I love movies! I love sport movies! Amazing satisfaction sitting on the couch with a nice cold drink and watching good, old-fashioned entertainment. No thinking, just watch and enjoy the film. Here's my list of sports movies that I recommend everyone watch at least once in their life.

10.We Are Marshall
9. He Got Game
8. Rebound (Not the shit movie with Martin Lawrence....Don Cheadle is the Man in this one)
7. Mystery, Alaska
6. The Rookie (Dennis Quade)
5. Rocky
4. Hoosiers
3. Cinderella Man
2. Remember The Titans

Drum roll please.......


(Honorable Mention: Raging Bull, Slap Shot, Rudy, Space Jam)

Social Network myspace page is open right now while watching Social Network but I can't let that throw me. Time to report. Aaron Sorkin wrote the script for this awesome "life story" of Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook. Jesse Eisenberg plays the genius, cocky, future multi-millionaire. While attending Harvard University, Zuckerberg comes up with a social network that stemmed from an idea that fellow students came to him with. Young kid with BIG dreams. I can't believe I've gone this far into the blog and not mentioned Justin Timberlake. JT plays Sean Parker, the creator of Napster. He meets with Zuckerberg and convinces him to make his already successful network an actually business. I feel like anybody can start watching this movie a hour in and will be caught up to speed in minutes which is a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing is you get caught up very quickly, Bad thing about it is it kind of defeats the purpose of movies but who am I to say anything about that lol. (The movie won 3 oscars and Sorkin is no slouch) Even the movie poster saying makes the movie easy to understand...You don't get 500 million friends without making a few enemies. When the end credits roll...I am very happy I just watched this film. I am deleting my Myspace account and jumping on the Mark Zuckerberg band wagon. Hello Facebook, nice to meet you and thank you in advance for taking over my life. The Social Network gets a 7.5/10.

Sorry Kids

Sorry's been a little while since I've blogged. Work and sleep has taken over the past week and a half. I'm gonna try to blog at least 1 movie a day. In the case of Hurricane Irene...I feel like a few movies will be blogged today. Enjoy.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Top 10 G.O.A.T movies!

Here is the reason for the creation of this blog....the great american debate of movies. This is my list of the Greatest Of All Time movies. There are many reasons why this country is the best, every single person is entitled to an opinion. This movie is the best, that movie was the worst thing I've ever seen...great conversation. Very interested in seeing your list.

10- Reservoir Dogs
9- The Departed
8- Fight Club
7- Pulp Fiction
6- The Green Mile
5- Avatar
4- Inception
3- Saving Private Ryan
2- The Godfather pt. 2
1- Shawshank Redemption

First post...First letter of the alphabet A for A-TEAM

11:42 am 8/19/ we go. This morning, I watched the 21st century A-Team movie. The movie's A-TEAM consisted of Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Sharlto Copley, and Quinton "Rampage" Jackson. Neeson plays the leader of the team, "Hannibal". Cooper plays Hannibal's right hand man, "Face". Copley is the crazy, comical entertainment, only pilot Murdock. Rampage steps out of the Octagon and back onto the silver screen with his second starring role (Midnight Meat Train being the first) as B.A. Baracus. That's the "TEAM". The 3rd name that should really be mentioned is Jessica Biel who plays Capt. Sosa. The movie starts off with a pretty good bang...and only has a few dull moments. The movie is a little lengthy which is 2 hours and 7 minutes. I feel like I didn't give this movie a fair chance when it first came out because let's face it...."Rampage" Jackson was one of the stars. I'm not kicking myself in the ass for that decision, I just hope nobody else avoids this movie because of it. I'm actually happy this movie was on because there was a lot of action, big explosions, and a few good laughs scattered around the movie to keep you interested. Think McGyver X4 with a bunch of special effects. All in all, when the smoke has settled...I'm giving the A-TEAM a solid 6.5/10. Solid watch.